The 25-year anniversary of the inscription

Let’s celebrate the 25th anniversary of the inscription in Saint-Emilion


On September 20, 21 and 22, 2024, join us to celebrate the 25-year anniversary of the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion as a World Heritage Site!

It’s been 25 years since the Saint-Emilion vineyards were listed by UNESCO! A premiere, because in 1999, the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion was the very first vineyard to be listed by UNESCO as a Cultural Landscape.

An international recognition of which the 8 municipalities of the Jurisdiction are particularly proud.


Septembre 21 & 22 : We are waiting for you in Saint-Emilion!


Concerts in the local churches, exclusive Masterclass, round-table discussions, entertainment for children, chill-out area, fireworks … We’ll be revealing the full programme very soon!

affiche juridiction saint-emilion 25 ans UNESCO patrimoine culturel

Aftermovie & photos of the 20-year anniversary

If you’d like to take a trip back in time to the 20th anniversary of the registration of the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, (re)discover the aftermovie and our selection of photos from the celebratory weekend that took place in 2019!

Photo credits

Guillaume Bonnaud and Alban Gilbert

They were partners of the event

They also supported us : 

SAS Joanne – Vignobles Philippe Faure – Château Villemaurine – Château de Cauze – Château Laniote – Château Piganeau – Château Clos des Prince – Château La Claymore – Indivision Varailhon de la Filolie – Société Veyret Latour – Château Franc Grâce-Dieu – Château la Mariotte – Château Redon – Château Champion – Château Clos Junet – Château Grand Faurie – Château Cadet Bon – Château Fleur Cardinale – Tour Baladoz et La Croizille – Château La Gaffelière – Château La Fleur Morange – Château Quintus – Château Belair-Monange – Château Chauvin – Château Labesse – Château Les Gravières – Château Angelus – Château La Serre – Château Soutard – Magasin Utile – Marchand de Soif – Boucherie de Saint-Emilion – Château Monbousquet